Penning Persona

Penning Persona: 

Cassandra is a Harry Potter geek who thinks herself as a witch. She is also passionate about reading books similar to the main character, Hermione from the Harry Potter world and loves the smell of new books. On the other hand, her mother thinks that she is crazy about spending her money on books every month.

From time to tie she is feeling hungry for more knowledge. This hunger leads her to new challenges for her education and self-development. She started yoga and meditation with the purpose to train body, spirit and mind.

Lately, she has developed this other aspect in her life that involves learning about Korean culture and everything about this topic. She is a K-Pop, K-Drama fan and has started experimenting with Korean Cuisine. Cassandra's journey does not stop here as she decided to learn the Korean language as well. She finds it fascinating because it is challenging, as the letters are not letters but symbols.

Penning a Persona - Developing Practice

This is Cassandra and people may call her crazy and weird but deep down, she is a simple girl who likes exploring and discovering new things. 


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