Type Experiments - Blue Blood
[type experiments]
[Blood Circulation for Neurons]
When blood is in our body and travels through the veins it has BLUE colour. Why Blood? Because Blood is the crucial factor for brain to work. What happens when it comes out of our body? Because blood contacts air and it is oxygen around us, it turns to RED.
[Blood Drops - Tears of the Brain]
In this case I used WHITE to keep the environment clear and RED for the blood
drops. Each drop is one more memory we earn and add in our brain.
[Neurons on Fire]
Neurons never stop their work in our brain. How do they look? They look like they are on fire, they spread the information so fast from the one cells to the other. The above [P] it is the visualisation of neurons on fire.
[Neurons teamwork]
Neurons cannot work individually. They have to work as a team to transfer the
information from the brain to your body through the cells and spinal cord. It is
a circulation that’s why we have [O].
[Cells Network]
Cells are also another important element for brain to work in a healthy base.
It takes a whole network to transfer the neurons information to cells. It is a
[Q] network and as I experiment it is a red (fire) clear (perfect) network
inside our brain.
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