Type Experiments - Photos and GIFs
Metaphor: As it quoted by Van Leeuwen (2005, p.30): "The essence of metaphor is the idea of ‘transference’, of transferring something
from one place to another, on the basis of a perceived similarity between the two
- It is not easy to visualise something like the brain activity. Brain, Neurons, Cells, senses, the whole scientific activity of this magnificent tool and how it controls and works the whole body, I recorded it through the electrical circuit system for my Modular Type. But, this did not prevent me to explore and experiment even more with Marbling. I did not used only inks to record my experiments and designs but also I brought even more tools in the whole process.
- Below you will see the Type Experiments (designs) of my 'brain' type. It has to be in a liquid form. Why? Because the brain is protected by the bones of the skull and by a covering of three thin membranes called meninges. The brain is also cushioned and protected by cerebrospinal fluid.
- The brain is a soft, spongy mass of nerve cells and supportive tissue. It has three major parts: the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem. The parts work together, but each has special functions.
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